Article 1. General Provisions. 1

2-101.... Definitions. 1

2-102.... Animal control officer; duties and authority to enter. 2

2-103.... Running at large. 3

2-104.... Aggressive animal defined; penalties. 3

2-105.... Habitual violator; aggressive animal at-large. 4

2-106.... Destruction, injury to property. 4

2-107.... Prohibited animals. 5

2-108.... Dangerous animals. 5

2-109.... Horses. 6

2-110.... Cleanliness of premises required. 6

2-111.... Confinement of animals in heat. 6

2-112.... Mistreatment of animals. 7

2-113.... Same; exceptions. 7

2-114.... Vehicular accidents involving animals. 8

2-115.... Death of animal. 8

2-116.... Trapping of animals. 8

2-117.... Municipal pound established. 8

2-118.... Capture/destruction. 9

2-119.... Impoundment; duty to impound. 9

2-120.... Breaking pound. 10

Article 2. Dogs. 11

2-201.... Dog registration and rabies vaccination required. 11

2-202... Rabies control, immunization and confinement. 11

2-203.... Trained guard dogs. 12

2-204.... Dog feces. 12

2-205.... Kennel licenses. 13

2-206.... Tethering or picketing of dogs. 13

2-207.... Barking dogs. 13

Article 3. Vicious Dogs. 15

2-301.... Definitions. 15

2-302.... Exclusions. 15

2-303.... Keeping of vicious dogs. 15

2-304.... Determination that a dog is vicious; process. 17

Article 4. Other Animals. 19

2-401.... Exotic animals. 19

Article 5. General Penalty Provisions and Miscellaneous Provisions  21

2-501.... Summons and complaints. 21

2-502... General penalty provision. 21

2-503.... Fine schedule. 21

2-504.... Dog licenses. 21

2-505.... Conflict with other provisions. 22

2-506.... Interlocal agreements for provision of animal control services. 22